Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Merry Xmas!

Yum! More treats! This time from my mum Anna! We have sweet treats to eat before we go to the matinee!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Last post for the year!

(Before you read this post - click the thumbs up above and vote for Kidsedchatnz! You may have to login using your google account!)


A little sad is how I'm feeling! Saying goodbye to our class for the year!

It has been a fantastic year! We have learnt so much together on the beginning of our digital journey. I am lucky enough to be keeping some of this year's Room 11's to continue on the digital path in 2014.

Nervous? Yes!

But very pleased that I get to take so many of you with me. Chromebooks - here we come! Google drive - we will be better at what we create. Hapara - we love you! No homework books - my favourite!

We will still be handwriting. We will still be doing calculations in our books. We will still be reading real books, visiting the library, creating art and going outside for games. SO DON'T panic!

See you all on Monday for our last rehearsal for the concert.

Tuesday will be final goodbye day! Make sure you turn up for your treat!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

2000 visitors!!

Thanks Aunty Lyn for our amazing cake!! Yummy!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

10th Anniversary of the Dot!

End of year review

Highlights of 2013:

Fave ICT skill I have learnt is...


ICT problems and how we got over them:

My goals for 2014:

Reading -
Writing -
Maths -
Other -

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

MATHS LIKE A PIRATE: Pirate Challenge 4. Create a Pirate Ship

MATHS LIKE A PIRATE: Pirate Challenge 4. Create a Pirate Ship: Thank you  @mrsplumsclass   for this SWASHBUCKLING Pirate Challenge! - AWESOME!

 The challenge: How can you and your tea...