- Main Stars
- 40BC
- Personal Experiences
- A trip you have been on
- A school camp
- Scouts / Girl Guides / any club or group you belong to.
- What do you do with this group?
- Where can people find out more info?
- What activities have you done lately?
- Friends
- Why not review a good friend
- What makes them a friend?
- Information Reports
- Inform your readers about a topic you know lots about (or have researched).
- Book Reports
- What are you reading at the moment?
- What makes it a good/bad read?
- Would you recommend it to other readers?
- Cool / Interesting Information / Facts
- Have you just found out or learnt something new and exciting?
- What is it?
- What makes it exciting?
- What further information could you include?
- Opinion / View on current events
- What are your thoughts on current news topics from the world?
- Visit the below links for inspiration (don't forget to include the link in your post)
- http://www.kiwikidsnews.co.nz/
- http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/stories/
- http://www.timeforkids.com/
- Photo and Video Stories
- Taken some great photos?
- Made a great Video?
- Write a short blurb about it and get posting!
- A Good Post.....
- Grabs the readers attention! (a hook)
- Provides all the required info. Don't leave them asking what you mean
- Leaves the reader wanting more.
- Connects with the reader. They WANT to ask a question.
- Shows not tells - use all those exciting descriptive words
- CHECK, CHECK, CHECK - read it over & listen to it.