Friday, May 30, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Term 3 Main Star?? 

Write a song about an issue that's important to you! 

For now, enjoy this video!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Camp Review

Please fill in our survey. If your parent came on camp or just visited for a day please ask them to fill it in also.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hi ho. Hi ho. It's off to camp we go.

Lollies - check
Sleeping bags - check
Ice cream - check
Excitement?? Oh my gosh yes. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Camp fruit and baking!

Hi everyone. Sorry I forgot to remind you about camp food. 

Boys please bring fruit to share on camp. 
Girls please bring baking to share on camp. 

Thanks everyone. Please ring each other to pass it on!!

Book character Day

Maths Presentations WALT: order numbers / fractions and decimals

This week we chose a WALT that we didn't understand.

Eg 2 groups chose WALT: order fractions and decimals And the other 2 groups chose WALT: order numbers to 1000 / 1,000000

This is what they had to do - and just think about all the knowledge and skills they had to have (Over and above the maths knowledge)

Step One - find a video that taught them what they needed to know. They could choose youtube, Khan Academy, Study Ladder or Teacher Tools for videos.

Step Two - create a google presentation explaining what they have learnt. They have a booking form they use to request teaching time if they cannot figure out a concept on their own. I can call down individuals or groups who have similar needs.

Step Three - create a google form with questions that will check if people have learnt the subject matter. They only answered google forms from within their own ability maths group.

Step Four - Embed the presentation AND the form into a new blog post. Change the height in the HTML code so that viewers can see the whole presentation and form.

Step Five - Check the form responses to see who is correct and who still needs a bit of help. They are then going to email the respondents saying 'Well done!' or 'You need a bit more help with'.

So many little skills that they had to remember, check, ask for help and then edit. But amazingly they have nearly all completed this.
I AM SO PROUD!! Check out their awesome work below and fill in their google forms. Please feel free to give feedback if you find errors but remember to make it KIND feedback!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Our quadblogging buddies have questions for us!

Can you answer one of the questions? Leave a comment on this post if you can answer a question! 

(Please be fair and only answer 1 question so all of Room 11 can have a go!)

Personal Responses to our books

This year we are completing a 40 Book Challenge. This involves us reading 40 books in 1 year. Some of us have already achieved this!

When we finish a book we must create a blog post about the book. In this post we must include the title of the book, the author, the genre and a summary of the book. WE CANNOT GIVE AWAY THE ENDING OF THE BOOK!!

We have to include one more sentence answering a question about the book. Some of these questions are: 
  • Who is your fave character?
  • If I could change one part of this story...
  • What could you ask the author?

Have a read of our posts below. Let us know if we have missed anything in our personal response!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kiwi Kids News

Here are links to some of our latest Kiwi Kids News. Each week we choose an interesting article (sometimes it takes forever to choose our favourite) and then we summarise it for each other to read!

We add in a link to the original article so Miss P can check our facts and sometimes we also add in a video or a image to go with the article.

On Friday's we complete the Kiwi Kids News quiz. Some of us get 10 out of 10 and some of us... don't.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness - let Room 1 @ Wairakei know what you are doing by leaving a comment on their blog!

Room 1s Class Blog: Random Acts of Kindness: Kindness is a great quality to own and some people naturally express good will to others.  Some of us are busy with our own lives and kindn...

Aotearoa Quad Blog Term 2 2014

We have joined a great quad blog made up of us and the following classes!

Week 2 is US! Here is a video introducing us to our quadblogging buddies!

 What is similar to your school? 
 What is different? 
 What questions do you have for us?

Friday, May 9, 2014

ANZAC letters

We spent some time talking about WWII and Anzac day before the holidays. This week we have written letters to Miss Panther's Great Uncle Cyril who dies in WWII. We pretended he was our uncle and wrote about the hardships families faced at home during the war.

Our final letter was a telegram to Uncle Cyril's family. Have a read below.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

How amazing are my class..? Biased? Nah!

Each night Room 11 receive an email about what they have chosen to complete for Home Learning. I ask each child to reply to the email by answering a question.

Here are some of the responses of how their chosen activity enriches their life!

2014 Arthurs Pass Camp forms!

If you are missing a form or gear list please click the links below! Please note that you MUST be signed into your Room 11 google login to access these forms. Your parents gmail accounts will not work!