Thursday, December 10, 2015

Skype with Yotam's Saba and Safta in Israel

We are so lucky to have so many awesome grandparents available to Skype us from around the world! 

Today, while we chatted, we shared 'zalibiot' to celebrate Hanukkah. It was delicious! 


  1. It was such heart warming to see the beautiful room 11 students communicating in such respect and interest with Yotam's Saba & Safta(grandparents) in Israel . I enjoyed listening to the student questions and touched to see how the grandparents appreciate it.
    Thank you Miss Panther & room 11

  2. HI Room 11,
    THat looks like alot of fun.
    Did you have fun talking to them?

    Sincerly suhayra


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