We were part of a group who contributed to a NZ schools time lapse video.
Our next topic is 'Where in the world?'
What would you film in your town?
I am a teacher living in Greymouth. I currently work 2 days a week at local schools.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
4 pics 1 word Challenge
Create a 4 pics 1 word of your own!
You can make it on skitch, pic collage, glogster, padlet or any other app or programme you can think of!
Post them to your kidblog (or blogger) and I can transfer them here for everyone to see!
I can't wait to see the results!
Student Led Conferences
Wow! What a great evening. I met with most of Room 11 and their parents last night to help the children share their learning and goals.
The Room 11 children had a great time teaching their parents how to use Little Bird Tales and Padlet. Check out our reflection padlets.
ps If your parent forget to fill it in, ask them to do it at home.
The Room 11 children had a great time teaching their parents how to use Little Bird Tales and Padlet. Check out our reflection padlets.
ps If your parent forget to fill it in, ask them to do it at home.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Room 17
Room 17 Blog
Check out Room 17's work! The link on the side bar isn't working - but the link above should work!
Well done Miss H and Room 17!
Check out Room 17's work! The link on the side bar isn't working - but the link above should work!
Well done Miss H and Room 17!
Room 11's Nifty News
One of our blogging buddies inspired us to present a news channel. Here is the inspiration!
Neinstein news
We are uploading our attempts to Vimeo.
Check out Ella F and Nina as they interview Alvin Lee and Riley about their cross country.
Room 11's Nifty News #1 from Jacinda Panther on Vimeo.
Awesome girls!!
Neinstein news
Room 11's Nifty News #1 from Jacinda Panther on Vimeo.
Awesome girls!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Nina's google presentation NUMERACY
Libby's google presentation NUMERACY
Sophia's google presentation NUMERACY
Byron's google presentation NUMERACY
Preethi's google presentation NUMERACY
Sophie's google presentation NUMERACY
Ella F's google presentation NUMERACY
ella f,
Ella RW's google presentation
ella rw,
Kiwi Kids: Mothers Day
Room 11 - this is similar to our Prep programme. What special day is coming upthat we could use this idea of learning about money?
Kiwi Kids: Mothers Day: Thank you to everyone who bought in Ice cream containers, I now have more than enough , this is much appreciated. To all the mums-happy mot...
Kiwi Kids: Mothers Day: Thank you to everyone who bought in Ice cream containers, I now have more than enough , this is much appreciated. To all the mums-happy mot...
Myst Writing Challenge
Vote for your favourite to make them turn this into a longer story!
Which is your favourite and why?
Comment below to tell us who you choose!
The moon was shining down on the shivaring on the water gust up above on the grand ther was train trackes ther was a old steam train it puffed along the old trackes ther was hepes of mushroom house
The old muddy train passes around the cloak turns 12.00 then they whet around the edgy. If you go around that edgy at night time you can hit a kid,dog,deer etc and when you hit to kid,dog,deer you can fall off the cliff and fall in to cold water. As the train goes past the small hut where to kids are playing. The two kids hear a sealion that has bad cuts so the two kids go help the sealion then the old man stopped the train and help as well. The old man had a big tank on the back of the train so they put the sealion in the tank to help the sealion cuts. Then the old man gave the kids loll pops and he whet off.
There are funky cool mushrooms with lights that glow in the dark.A Rickie raked bridge that goes though a tulle that goes to the other side sits on the edge of the cliff if your driving a rust y old train over the beautiful shimmering sweet water your heart races but the train chugged slowly over the glamorous.there were house shaped like mushrooms then there was a couple of half circles house.Rock climbing on the big rocks(in the daytime its lots of fun)
The old grey train chugged near the huge sharp cliff. The old lady had her scurf around her neck it was so cold. She got in her grey train and realized she was going over a bridge it was so long.The bridge started to shake the earth the rocks started to fall into the water where the moon shun on the rocks.The rocks made big splashes in the water .It splashedwater onto the house’s where the people were asleep.The people started to wakeup when the water splashed on there bedroom windows.The train went acroos the bridge and went so slow it tacks hours to get off it. When she got off the earth was shaking the train track was moving and the train went off the tracks.The lady went swimming when the train crashed… ps the train has sank in the water now and it has gone ka…boom BOOM.

The spanking water shins of the moon at milled of the night. Chimles pouf out smock from the old black coal. the train cached its
The kcilikty clack of people walking all over the train as the trains going over the train tracks and chugering slowly over the cliff on a saterdays sun rise .The gogily eyed dogs pounce in to the water then sprint after rabbits and chce ther bold tails arund and around the tall rocks shaped like mushrooms with blue door nobs on every rock . in side a little pink preshis little person eating a big golden brain with vampire teeth the little monsters only come out at night luckly we are about to go over the blunt cliff but the tarin terns way at the last minunt it was like a windy, wherly rollercoaster but something was tiking away it was the night time bomb in 5 minunts the night bomb will trun the day time to night time then those little pink brain eating monsters come out and start eating your brain . you here the sound of scherming the monsters are in the train
The moon shining off the roofs from the circle shaped houses the water is rough and all I can hear is the water crashing against the sharp rocks. The owl’s hooting,the chimney going and the lights flickering ‘ding dong’ as I hear the clock strike 12. ‘time to go to bed’ I hear a mother say to her son ‘but I have not finished my game yet’ he replies. As everybody is asleep ‘chug chug chug choo choo’ I hear the train go past ‘aw,shhhhhh we are trying to sleep!’ a angry person trying to sleep howls out.
One freezing cold night there was a big old train that went across the moon in to a paddock. Then the train went around the coner and had to cross a bridge. The old train chugged arocss the bridge. The old bridge broke the guy jumped out the train. The old train sadly dide the village and the old man was sad as well.
The young girl Kate and her green companion Bob had too cross the rickety old bridge on the new shiny blue train because she needed too get the smallest mushroom house and save her tiny black kitten.The girls companion was afraid of all the fish with sharp pointy teeth in the water and then started float up in the air suddenly BANG he banged his head on the grey roof and fell to the soft red floor “oh my gosh”said the girl “It is all ready night time how will we find the kitten now”What happened” said Bob and got up off the floor and the maid Ella came in “Here we are”
The young lady peered through the dirty window of the big ,bright bus as it was driving through the enormous rocks. As the young lady was crossing the long, narrow bridge she looked down at the shimmering water and saw… a BIG SHARK !!!!!!!!!!! The shark was opening and closing its large mouth with its gigantic,sharp teeth showing trying to eat her just as the she was crossing the bridge. Then it was starting to get a little dark and the moon was reflecting into the blue,shiny water as it was swaying side to side because of the strong winds. The wind was getting so strong it turned into a ferocious tornado but the it was morning again and it had cleared up.
The gnarled old man stared out of his jagged old cabin into the sparkly reflection of the sun in the lake. He was shaking all over as he drove his train over the sharp edge of the cliff, he could see the reflection of the ragged old train coming around the sharp edge of the old cliff. He was shaking all over his teeth were chattering with fear and his heart pumping as fast as his train used to be back in the days. The train moved across the worn old bridge the ride was a delight!
As I walked along the disgraceful streets of Myst the sound of rushing water ran through my fragile ears.Big black bridges creaked while the shiny burgundy train chugged around the edge of Myst. The werewolves began to howl on the mountains that surrounded me, it felt like I was in some sort of prison.
Ella RW
The old rugged train chagged along the narrow steap cliff .The old gnarled lady look out the old dusty window when she saw a brige an old rikdy brige .Her heart were raceing like she was raceing a race horse.
It was a hot day in summer city.The sun was shining so bright that you could see the bottom of the lake without getting up close.As the creaky old steam train turned around the windy train track the driver suddenly felt like a swim instead of being covered in steam with a nasty cough. The hot rocks and amazing tree huts with diving boards to jumping off! If you stood on the top of the highest rock you could see the empty cold and very gloomy sea! The tree hut at the top of the highest rock was used for their latest invention the starscope at night you could look through them and make patterns it the stars, there are also portable toilets for you to use!
Ella F
In the middle of no where the train on the old track was going as slow as a sloth so that the track will not brake. There in the distens was a shard edge that was braking off and if the trian went over it the bridge it would brake and the trian will fall into the canon below the bridge. The trian driver steped on the excorst and went so fast the bridge did not brake. There were rocks that looked like mushrooms that looked a bit damadge. The mushroom rocks were looking like it will fall on the old bridge. The trian went past the tree houses. The houses lights went on as the trian went by. The fill moon was shinning on the water like a dimond in the water.
The big blue waves silently crashed against the sandy shore line. The full moon’s reflection is so bright it makes you fell lonely and sad it gassed upon all of the little cozy hoses they looked cold and empty, gloomy in fact. Its like its been this way for so long like a hundred years or so. The lights are on but no one is home. Every step you take it feels like someone is watching you. Its dark the air is cold but all is quiet. The clouds reassemble a very dark and cold memories. That practicably runs right through this places veins. Its like you are connected here its like you belong here. Hands are shaking no birds cheeping.Waves still crashing on the shore line Full moon still shining BUT all stayed silent for now…
In the middle of know where there was a old rusty train that goes around nasty, steep corners. The mushrooms were like twenty feet tall but in the night the water was spashing with catfish. A fourty one year old man drove the old rusty train that had started to come to bits. In the middle of the tiny village there was a tempale crowdd with trees all the time children would come and climb on the them but know they don’t because they herd a wolf. In the night the village is full of lights it looks awesome. The bridge is crumbley with all the damadge from the tornato what a sham it never got fixed up. The old man still drives over it even though it broken. The mushrooms at night light up like lightposts.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Our Matariki Role Models
Josh M is nice to me in fact we have some things in common like video games like call of duty black –ops 1 and 2 and assassins
My granddad lives in Seftan on a farm with a cat named Sam. my granddads name is John he is having surgery on his Knee. We visit him a lot so mum can help him with his Knee. my granddad Spoils us every time we come he hides lollies and we call them kid y corners we go out on the motorbike and help him with the farm. On duck season we go shooting on the pond and every time we go to granddads we have roast pork! We go to granddads when we go to a motocross event in Christchurch too!
I look up to my granny because she is really nice and cares about me and the rest of her grandkids equally. When it comes to our birthdays she takes us shopping for what we want a couple days before and she will get something else that we don’t know she has got as well and on Tuesdays she takes me, my brother and my cousin out for tea at maccas. Thats why I love my granny.
Click on the link to see my Matariki role model
Someone I look up to is my cousin Thalia She inspires me. she done the most helpful things ever she helped
My Matariki role mode is my dad
I would like to describe my dad and why he’s important to me my dad is helpful because when.I was cooking some noodles and put them in the microwave
Alvin Lee
My mum is who I want to be like when i grown up.
My mum love’s me. She is helpful, kind and nice. I love her so much I want to cook diner for one night but i do not now how to cook. I think if ask my mum if she can teach me how to cook she will I think. I love my mum she is the best mum I now. She helps me clean my room and she lets me go to my friends house and lets me go to my friends b-day. She helps when i am sick and when i am hurt and is just really kind.
I want to look up to my great Grandad because in 1914 I think it was my great Grandad was in world war 2. so one day I want to go
Click on the link to see my Matariki role model
My best friend Kate is a is a great role model because whenever someone gets hurt or bullied she will help that person to the sick bay or stand up to them and tell on the bully.
Once when we were playing at the park a little boy fell over and his knee started to bleed very badly so Kate stopped what she was doing and ran to help him she took him to his mum and helped clean his sore knee. The boys mum was very grateful so she got up to get her a packet of gum but Kate said she will not have it. Kate is so kind that when some people came to take the park away and make a new one they asked lots of people in the block who should design it everybody said Kate so she designed a really awesome park and everyone loved it.
When we had to do the 40 hour famine Kate helped me not to eat and desecrated me. (I did not eat a crumb of chocolate cake)
We have lots of fun and Kate will always be one of my best friends.
My Role Model is my mum because she cooks, cleans and she helps me with everything that I am stuck with sometimes. She loves me as much as I love her and she gives me big hugs all the time. In the morning, night and after school. She helps me when I am hurt and she used to be a nurse so that is so cool. She cooks mean meals and she always keeps the house clean. I love my mum so much.
Lorraine she is very nice and gives us money. She cares about us with all her hart. Not to mention that she is very pretty.
I would want to be my mum when I am older.Because she bakes for us and takes us places to travel.It is fun and Yummy I wish that I was a good baker like my mum when I am older.No one can beat my mum at baking.when we go to chch she takes us shopping all the time.I would love to be a baker when I am older because I could have a shop.My mum never say’s no to go shopping in chch. I love my mum I am glad I have her as a mum.
My Matariki role modal is my brother Tristan because:
He really nicen to me and he is specail. Tristan inspiers my to folow my dreams and sometimes we play rough and tough togther and he will let me win sometimes. He lets me relax even when I don’t want to but he beets me to the job that we need to do. I clean all the rooms before he gets there and then he will just want to relax and we both of us will watch T.V. He always wants to race me and I say yes and then we will run up the hill and then back down. Every time we do that I will come 2nd and Tristan will come 1st. He will still give he some chocolate even thow he won the race.
My Nana Anne is kind and she is the person the I look up to because she makes me feel special and if my brother is being mean to me she makes me feel better and when I see her she always has a smile on her face that makes m e feel special and always makes it Evan my nana is so so so important that I can’t live without her!!!
I love my nana so so so much and I can’t live without her!!!
My Mum is important to me because she gives me stuff. My mum drives me to school, swimming, league. My Mum is very kind to Me, Kaleb and Riley. My Mums name is Rachael. My Mum buys Me, Kaleb and Riley food, clothes and all other.
Rachael is my mums name.
Awesome at everything.
Cooks me tea.
Helps me with stuff.
Always takes me places.
My granddad lives in Seftan on a farm with a cat named Sam. my granddads name is John he is having surgery on his Knee. We visit him a lot so mum can help him with his Knee. my granddad Spoils us every time we come he hides lollies and we call them kid y corners we go out on the motorbike and help him with the farm. On duck season we go shooting on the pond and every time we go to granddads we have roast pork! We go to granddads when we go to a motocross event in Christchurch too!
I look up to my granny because she is really nice and cares about me and the rest of her grandkids equally. When it comes to our birthdays she takes us shopping for what we want a couple days before and she will get something else that we don’t know she has got as well and on Tuesdays she takes me, my brother and my cousin out for tea at maccas. Thats why I love my granny.
Click on the link to see my Matariki role model
Someone I look up to is my cousin Thalia She inspires me. she done the most helpful things ever she helped
My Matariki role mode is my dad
I would like to describe my dad and why he’s important to me my dad is helpful because when.I was cooking some noodles and put them in the microwave
Alvin Lee
My mum is who I want to be like when i grown up.
My mum love’s me. She is helpful, kind and nice. I love her so much I want to cook diner for one night but i do not now how to cook. I think if ask my mum if she can teach me how to cook she will I think. I love my mum she is the best mum I now. She helps me clean my room and she lets me go to my friends house and lets me go to my friends b-day. She helps when i am sick and when i am hurt and is just really kind.
I want to look up to my great Grandad because in 1914 I think it was my great Grandad was in world war 2. so one day I want to go
Click on the link to see my Matariki role model
My best friend Kate is a is a great role model because whenever someone gets hurt or bullied she will help that person to the sick bay or stand up to them and tell on the bully.
Once when we were playing at the park a little boy fell over and his knee started to bleed very badly so Kate stopped what she was doing and ran to help him she took him to his mum and helped clean his sore knee. The boys mum was very grateful so she got up to get her a packet of gum but Kate said she will not have it. Kate is so kind that when some people came to take the park away and make a new one they asked lots of people in the block who should design it everybody said Kate so she designed a really awesome park and everyone loved it.
When we had to do the 40 hour famine Kate helped me not to eat and desecrated me. (I did not eat a crumb of chocolate cake)
We have lots of fun and Kate will always be one of my best friends.
My Role Model is my mum because she cooks, cleans and she helps me with everything that I am stuck with sometimes. She loves me as much as I love her and she gives me big hugs all the time. In the morning, night and after school. She helps me when I am hurt and she used to be a nurse so that is so cool. She cooks mean meals and she always keeps the house clean. I love my mum so much.
Lorraine she is very nice and gives us money. She cares about us with all her hart. Not to mention that she is very pretty.
I would want to be my mum when I am older.Because she bakes for us and takes us places to travel.It is fun and Yummy I wish that I was a good baker like my mum when I am older.No one can beat my mum at baking.when we go to chch she takes us shopping all the time.I would love to be a baker when I am older because I could have a shop.My mum never say’s no to go shopping in chch. I love my mum I am glad I have her as a mum.
My Matariki role modal is my brother Tristan because:
He really nicen to me and he is specail. Tristan inspiers my to folow my dreams and sometimes we play rough and tough togther and he will let me win sometimes. He lets me relax even when I don’t want to but he beets me to the job that we need to do. I clean all the rooms before he gets there and then he will just want to relax and we both of us will watch T.V. He always wants to race me and I say yes and then we will run up the hill and then back down. Every time we do that I will come 2nd and Tristan will come 1st. He will still give he some chocolate even thow he won the race.
My Nana Anne is kind and she is the person the I look up to because she makes me feel special and if my brother is being mean to me she makes me feel better and when I see her she always has a smile on her face that makes m e feel special and always makes it Evan my nana is so so so important that I can’t live without her!!!
I love my nana so so so much and I can’t live without her!!!
My Mum is important to me because she gives me stuff. My mum drives me to school, swimming, league. My Mum is very kind to Me, Kaleb and Riley. My Mums name is Rachael. My Mum buys Me, Kaleb and Riley food, clothes and all other.
Rachael is my mums name.
Awesome at everything.
Cooks me tea.
Helps me with stuff.
Always takes me places.
I look up to my nana because when she picks me up from school she has always got a iceblock for me.and she is a very nice person.Also when Im sick and at home she always comes up to see if im all right.and sometimes she brings me treats to make me feel better.She is a very nice to kids to
My Role Model is MY SISTER !!!
I chose MY SISTER because since I was little she’s helped with everything and she’s taught me to do a lot of stuff. I think she is very, very, very good at drawing and I wish I was a lot more like her. She is 18 years old and she is very cool & fun. Right now she is in The University of Otago and I am missing her a lot.
My brother Shayne.
Very kind.
Cares about us.
Two kids named Ariki and Kahurangi.
I think my friend Maddison is a really really really really kind, nice and she never argues with me! I don’t get to catch up with her much at all. I wish I could catch up with her. She’s really importing to me because she lets me play with her whenever really. She loves playing on the monkey bars so do I it doesn’t bother me not at all. I think she’s really funny she’s just that kind of girl. I would do ANYTHING for her because she would do anything for me. We used to play all day sometimes sleepovers SHE’S AWESOME she just can’t help it! But only if she went to GMS that would make me proud.
My role model is my mum because:
She always does the right thing and she never does an thing bad to me she always looking after me that’s why i think my mum should be my role model.
In my life I look up to my Grandma because she is always very kind and nice and never gets angry.
Whenever she comes over to our house she give me, Stanley and Martin (my two brothers) chocolate bars and that encourages me to be kind when I am older. On Halloween she didn’t have any lollies so when people showed up to her door she gave them money instead and that means she cares for other people.
So when I am older I want to be exactly like my Grandma (except for being a girl because i’m a boy) I want to be the most kind and nice person ever!!
I look up to my nana because when she picks me up from school she has always got a iceblock for me.and she is a very nice person.Also when Im sick and at home she always comes up to see if im all right.and sometimes she brings me treats to make me feel better.She is a very nice to kids to
My Role Model is MY SISTER !!!
I chose MY SISTER because since I was little she’s helped with everything and she’s taught me to do a lot of stuff. I think she is very, very, very good at drawing and I wish I was a lot more like her. She is 18 years old and she is very cool & fun. Right now she is in The University of Otago and I am missing her a lot.
My brother Shayne.
Very kind.
Cares about us.
Two kids named Ariki and Kahurangi.
I think my friend Maddison is a really really really really kind, nice and she never argues with me! I don’t get to catch up with her much at all. I wish I could catch up with her. She’s really importing to me because she lets me play with her whenever really. She loves playing on the monkey bars so do I it doesn’t bother me not at all. I think she’s really funny she’s just that kind of girl. I would do ANYTHING for her because she would do anything for me. We used to play all day sometimes sleepovers SHE’S AWESOME she just can’t help it! But only if she went to GMS that would make me proud.
My role model is my mum because:
She always does the right thing and she never does an thing bad to me she always looking after me that’s why i think my mum should be my role model.
In my life I look up to my Grandma because she is always very kind and nice and never gets angry.
Whenever she comes over to our house she give me, Stanley and Martin (my two brothers) chocolate bars and that encourages me to be kind when I am older. On Halloween she didn’t have any lollies so when people showed up to her door she gave them money instead and that means she cares for other people.
So when I am older I want to be exactly like my Grandma (except for being a girl because i’m a boy) I want to be the most kind and nice person ever!!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Room 11 = AMAZING
So spoilt today! The children in my class and I had a discussion about birthdays. I told them that in the UK I always celebrated my b'day at school with my class but in NZ because it was in the holidays I never got to have a 'party' with my class.
Well it's true that children do listen... sometimes!
Today the girls in my class showed up with a b'day cake (can't wait for the gluten free, dairy free recipe), cards, chocolates and a CD with 'Happy b'day' on it. They remembered the candles and they had kept it hidden from me until just before lunchtime.
What a special bunch of people I spend my days with! The fact that my b'day is in January was irrelevant...!
Well it's true that children do listen... sometimes!
Today the girls in my class showed up with a b'day cake (can't wait for the gluten free, dairy free recipe), cards, chocolates and a CD with 'Happy b'day' on it. They remembered the candles and they had kept it hidden from me until just before lunchtime.
What a special bunch of people I spend my days with! The fact that my b'day is in January was irrelevant...!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Main Star Awards Term 2
Here's your reminder to get working on your Main Star Awards for Term 2. I haven't seen a lot of evidence yet but it is starting to come through.. Post it on kidblog, blogspot, use a Web 2.0 tool or record your voice somewhere!
Good luck and ask for help if you need an idea of where to start!
Wonderful Wicked Wiki'er...
Big claps for Samantha! I have been looking through the wiki and was very pleased to see that Sam had completed her E.B. White study in the word document and then she had cut and pasted it to her wiki page without asking if she should or asking for help to do it!
Would love to see others copying their work to their wiki pages also instead of printing the sheet and handwriting the work.
I wonder how we could get our book covers on there too..?
Any ideas?
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Our Evil Descriptions - do you recognise anyone?
I peered around the corner and saw the most EVIL thing I had ever seen in my life……..It was green, slimy and it had a breath that smelt like ROTTEN EGGS. It was hairless and it had a mouth that was covered with blue lipstick and its eyes had grey eyeshadow all over its eyelids.
I peered around the corner and i sew the most EVIL thing i had ever seen…
He had stains all over his body he smelt like a row fish thats been in the dumpster for 10 years. He had hear all over his body it looked like big foot but it looked more hear smelt all lot more. He has a pickaxe in one hand and a sword in the other hand. He does not kill he dances!!
If you could make up a evil monster what will it look like and describe it.
Can you inmagine it now?
I peered around the corner and I saw the most EVIL thing I had ever seen in my life…
SLENDER MAN the most scariest thing ever he has no FACE!!! he has tentacals on his back. He teleports all around you then when he sees you he will suck your soul!
I peered around the corner and saw the most EVIL thing i had ever seen in my life… He had a red nose like RED paint. He had weird matching clothes and SHARP teeth and white paint on his face and he has gloves and a red hair BIG RED SHOES
I pared around the corer and I saw the most EVIL thing I had ever seen in my life
he had a breath that smelt like rotten eggs and had finger nails about a meter long.His teeth where rotten as rotten could be.
I peered around the corner and I saw the most EVIL thing I had ever seen in my life…
the disgusting white face with no eyes,no mouth,no ears,no hair and no nose staring straight at ME. That black tuxedo the long arms and tentacles ripping out his back I can just feel him taking out my soul right in front of me.
I peered around the corner and i sew the most EVIL thing i had ever seen…
If you could make up a evil monster what will it look like and describe it.
Can you inmagine it now?
I peered around the corner and I saw the most EVIL thing I had ever seen in my life…
SLENDER MAN the most scariest thing ever he has no FACE!!! he has tentacals on his back. He teleports all around you then when he sees you he will suck your soul!
I peered around the corner and saw the most EVIL thing i had ever seen in my life… He had a red nose like RED paint. He had weird matching clothes and SHARP teeth and white paint on his face and he has gloves and a red hair BIG RED SHOES
I pared around the corer and I saw the most EVIL thing I had ever seen in my life
he had a breath that smelt like rotten eggs and had finger nails about a meter long.His teeth where rotten as rotten could be.
the disgusting white face with no eyes,no mouth,no ears,no hair and no nose staring straight at ME. That black tuxedo the long arms and tentacles ripping out his back I can just feel him taking out my soul right in front of me.
Zoe's key com dinner
Menu: Chips, broccoli, carrots and wiener schnitzel
The brilliant meal is finishted!
- Measuring cocoa
- Cutting potatoes
- Cutting the fat out of the meat
- Getting the meat all coated
- Chopping the broccoli
The brilliant meal is finishted!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Kia ora to Room 9 Einsteins!
Week 2 of our Aotearoa Quadblogging is here. We are visiting Room 9 Einsteins this week.

We apologise to Room 1 at Glenview Primary as Miss Panther was away for most of last week and we didn't have anyone to encourage us to blog lots. We will visit your blog again this week as well!
Ka kite ano!
We apologise to Room 1 at Glenview Primary as Miss Panther was away for most of last week and we didn't have anyone to encourage us to blog lots. We will visit your blog again this week as well!
Ka kite ano!
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