Friday, June 21, 2013

Room 11's Nifty News

One of our blogging buddies inspired us to present a news channel. Here is the inspiration!

Neinstein news

We are uploading our attempts to Vimeo. Check out Ella F and Nina as they interview Alvin Lee and Riley about their cross country.

Room 11's Nifty News #1 from Jacinda Panther on Vimeo.

Awesome girls!!


  1. Room 11! I love your first news item and feel honoured that the Neinsteins inspired you to do this. I am not in the classroom on a Friday and they worked tirelessly on their second episode today but did not quite get it uploaded. We'll watch yours on Monday when we launch ours. I really liked the way you have listed the many different things you have been up to. It sounds like you are very busy!

  2. Wow awesome nifty news room 11!
    Great work!


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