Monday, July 29, 2013

Challenge 1 - Itinerary and the USA

  1. Open up the Google map into a new tab.
  2. Create a new post called 'Itinerary and the USA' on kidblog.
  3. List all the places I am going to. Start with Greymouth.
  4. Choose one of the cities I am visiting in the USA and find out the following: 
    • Area
    • population
    • capital city
    • biggest lake
    • biggest mountain 
    • longest river
    • one school that we could skype or email or blog with

View Miss Panther's Trip 2013 in a larger map

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hello from Las Vegas!

Hi guys! I miss you. We are currently in Las Vegas after visiting Los Angeles and San Fransisco. Having a great time! We are waiting at the airport to fly to New York! Exciting!! How's everyones holiday going?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Farewell Preethi!

We hope Preethi and her family have an amazing trip to India! Be safe and we'll see you soon x

Friday, July 12, 2013

Last day of term!

It's the last day of term. After lunch we are off to the High School to watch their production "dreams on Broadway". Mrs Panther (Miss Panthers mum) has dropped off a massive plate of chocolate eclairs for us to eat. They will taste great with our Fonterra milk! 

Miss Panther is off on holiday tomorrow for 5 weeks. Watch out for the posts and postcards...

Have a fabulous holiday and make it safe! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Puia Hangi

We have just read this story called 'Puia Hangi' from this School Journal.

We learnt:
  1. We learnt that puia means hot water.
  2. Lots about hangi's.
  3. kai is food
  4. whanau means family and friends
  5. kumara means sweet patato

Friday, July 5, 2013


At the beginning of Term 3 all children will present a speech to the class.  These will begin in Week 2.

In class we will be helping children to choose a topic about a personal experience, event or area of interest. 

We will brainstorm lots of things they could cover, how they could present their speech and give lots of opportunities to talk about a variety of topics.

We would like you to decide with your child what they can talk about. It needs to be a show and talk using visual cues like posters, their pet, toy, sports uniform, equipment, photos etc and not a speech using notes or cue cards.  

They do need to practise it but their reminder cues will be on their poster or what they have to show and their knowledge.

We will be looking for the children to be able to speak clearly and confidently, organise their ideas, talk about their topic knowingly and be able to talk for between 2 – 3 minutes.  They will then be asked questions by the teacher and other students.

Could you please talk about this with your child and help them prepare for their speech during the holidays.

Below is a timetable so you will know when your child will be presenting their speech.  These will be generally done at 9.15am in the morning and you are welcome to attend.

9.30 after Bible in schools
5 August
6 August
7 August
Ella F

8 August
Ella RW
Alvin Lee
9 August
12 August
13 August
14 August
15 August
16 August

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Brayden's Main Star Meal

Mrs Panther's visit!

This morning Mrs Panther (Miss Panther's Mum) visited our blog and left a voice message.

Listen here!

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

We have kick started the week in style. Our independent learning sheet is nearly all in Te Reo (as much as Miss P could do). We are looking at place names in Aotearoa this week. Our first 2 clues for our school wide mapping activity were:



We have to put them on the map in the correct place with the English name next to it. Miss P knows the first one but not the second.

Can anyone help us?

Where could we find the answers?

Maybe here??? 

Extra for experts: Read this article and comment below with your thoughts.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Picasso Art Work

Artist: Pablo Picasso

For art Room 11 have been making Picasso art.

To make this we had to look at pictures on the internet to get ideas of what it should look like. 

Step 1: We found a big head in a magazine that would be suitable to make into Picasso Art.
Step 2: We found some eys, mouth, noses and hair to put onto the big head.
Step 3: When we were finished we cut out the picture so that there was about a centimetre width pf white around the head.
Step 5: We glued our work onto black paper.

That's how to make GREAT picasso art.