Thursday, November 21, 2013

MATHS LIKE A PIRATE: Pirate Challenge 1: Build a bridge

Exciting! This is a maths challenge we are involved in tomorrow.

MATHS LIKE A PIRATE: Pirate Challenge 1: Build a bridge: How can your team of buccaneers build a pirate bridge  that can hold the weight of a raw egg? How many raw eggs can your bridge hold...

Room 11 - Please comment underneath with your estimate of the number of eggs your bridge might hold!

Pirate challenge from Jacinda Panther on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kidsedchatnz: Tweet of the Week

Kidsedchatnz: Tweet of the Week: Who won Tweet of the Week at today's Kidsedchatnz birthday celebration? Watch the video to find out!

Can you spot our Room Eleven tweets in there?

What is your favourite present ever?